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Brain Power

Believe or not that there is anything we can do to make our brains more powerful but, it certainly doesn't hurt to try . . . and might be enlightening.

Brilliant.org - Understand concepts and build your problem solving skills with thousands of free problems and examples in math, science, and engineering. A global community of 4 million people committed to excelling in math and science by solving challenging problems. You will need to sign up to get access to free portion of site and a daily challenge.

Word Games - Merriam - Webster offers daily word games.

LifeHack.org - Tips for life.

WoW Boosts Older Minds - For some older adults, the online video game World of Warcraft (WoW) may provide more than just an opportunity for escapist adventure.

LiteMind - Here are 120 things you can do starting today to help you think faster, improve memory, comprehend information better and unleash your brain’s full potential.

Food and Brain Power - According to Everyday Health, studies have shown that diets rich in certain foods can increase brain function and keep your brain healthy as you age. Many age related conditions can affect the brain's ability to function later in life.

Brain Grade - How do your lifestyle choices affect your brain's health? Find out with a free brain grade test! Requires signing up.

Buzzle.com - Have you ever heard the phrase “It's all in the head”? The human brain is a very powerful object. It can analyze at an alarming speed when needed and come up with logic at the drop of a hat. Read on to know more about “Brain Power.”

eMedExpert.com - Learn research-proven ways that help to maintain a sharp mind, and boost the brain potential.

WebMD.com - Can brain foods really help you concentrate, or boost memory? Increase your chances of maintaining a healthy brain by adding these "smart" foods and beverages to your diet. Picture slide show.